Saturday, March 28, 2020

Our UPDATED storyline

Hi guys! Here is how we are going to fix our storyline. 

     At first, we were doing a muscial genre. Andrea composed her own music and we were going to do one big flash mob dance scene to it. Due to the fact that we can no longer meet up with people we had to make some minor changes in our film which included taking out the flash mob scene. We were so upset that we had to do this because we thought it would be really different from the other projects. Now with this conflict, we decided that it is best we take out the genre of a muscial and just leave it to the drama genre. We had to make some other changes to our film opening so here are the complete ideas.
   Initially we were going to start at school, since we can no longer do so, we changed the time to take place in the summer. We are going to have me riding a bike during the time around sunset. We are still going to keep the idea of me listening to music and taking the headphones out. Then when I get home, I will check my mailbox hopefully expecting an acceptance letter from my dream school New York University. The mailbox has nothing placed inside, so I continue to walk to my door. Before I do so, I take of my LGBTQ+ pins attatched to my shirt and walk inside. I say hello to my mother and go to my room. In my room I have posters of my dream school all over along with my goals for the year being to perform on stage and get accepted into NYU. I sit on my bed and go on my computer to check my email to see if I got my acceptance or not. As im sitting there that is when the daydream will take place. We didn't know what we were going to do because initally we were going to film the daydream on a blank stage. But luckily, I was looking through my camera roll and found a bunch of clips from backstage at my recital in June. The clips I found have great quality and are shot with a steady cam. The shot also has a mystical affect which helps out with the context of this part being a day dream. So we really lucked out on this one! In our original concept, we were going to have the bell ringing which would make me snap our of the day dream, but now we are going to have me getting a phone call. Once my phone rings I "wake up" from my daydream and realize it's not reality. I look to see who is calling and it is New York University. I scramble out of bed and say "hello... this is her speaking.." and the film opening ends there. Leaving the audience on a cliff hanger wondering if I got accepted or not. 

Below is one of the clips I found in my camera roll from my recital that we will use for the daydream.  We will add some type of filter to it to make sure it looks like it isn't reality. We arent going to use the whole clip but this is just the raw footage.

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