Friday, March 27, 2020

Solution to our problem!

Hey guys!

     It's been kinda crazy here in the Q... trying to maintain my normal life yet not being able to go out really anywhere is extremely tough! Andrea, Raisa, and I have been back and forth communicating through our group chat trying to figure out what we are going to do with our project. Due to corona, we aren't able to meet up with each other, making the process of this project really hard. And with that being said there are certain parts of our film opening that we had to dispose. For example, we can no longer do our flash mob which was an extremely crucial part of our opening. With school being cancelled, we can no longer film inside the classroom our auditorium. We were in a big pickle due to the fact that all of these places were crucial to our film. After days of talking to each other, my group and I figured out a solution to our problem in regards to filming and editing!

     "If we are in a group and can't be together, how are we going to film and edit?" That's a question that we all asked ourselves. Well, this is how we are going to go about it. Since I myself am the main character of this film, I am going to do all the filming at home with the help of my brother. Since I am filming by myself and this is a group effort, Andrea and Raisa are going to split the editing portion. "How are we going to split the editing if we can't be together?" is another question we asked ourselves. A solution to this problem is that Andrea is going to edit half and put it on a flash drive with all the raw footage and leave it in Raisas mailbox for her to edit the other half. We find this the only way to complete our group project without physically being together. While filming im going to Facetime the girls to show them what is going on and make sure it is being filmed the way we want it to so they can take part in it as well.

   We came up with solutions to fill in the holes that we can no longer film such as the school and auditorium scene. I explain this in my next blog. Not going to lie, this has been quite stressful with everything going on in the world. Having a complete idea and just starting to film all going down the drain is quite inconvenient, but nothing always works out perfectly always!

Until next time! <3


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